When it’s been ages since you felt like yourself, and you’re worried you may never recover, it’s time to
embark on a new and inspired healing quest.

 One that ignites your sense of wonder and re-balances body, mind and spirit.
So, get packed… and join me. 

We’re going places!


  • “I’m losing sleep and can’t get comfy. Even with seven pillows and a handful of painkillers.”
  • “I’m unable to work and worried I may get fired, or have to quit my job.”
  • “I feel alone. None of my friends or family get what I’m going through.”
  • “If I have to explain myself to one more doctor, who tells me there’s nothing wrong with
    me…I’m gonna’ bust something!”
  • “My pain must be because I’m getting old. Maybe I should just call it a day.”
  • “Maybe if I wasn’t lazy and I did more stretches, the pain would go away.”
  • “Why is it that every time I’ve tried to do a health and fitness routine, it just backfires and I end
    up in more pain?”
  • “Maybe I should consider surgery- even though I’ve heard that they can do more damage than
  • “Maybe there’s a miracle pill out there that can fix me, if I can just find the right one.”


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When I committed to receiving the professional support, and accountability necessary to maintain a daily wellness practice, I not only healed, I got into the best physical shape of my life.
AND…I discovered my calling. 

Which is to help seekers like YOU heal and live YOUR full potential as well.


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With the right combination of personal and professional experience to release you from pain and unlock your bright future ahead. 

My combo of personal and professional experience includes:

  • 4 professional wellness certifications (Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner, Reiki & Energy Healer, Holistic & Trauma-Informed Life Coach)
  • A background in adult education (I ran a vocational school for 3000 students for the government for years)
  • I’ve been living pain-free for over 12 years
  • I grew my spine one inch taller in my thirties. Damn straight I did.
  • I’m a published author and self-help book writer
  • I’m a mom, married over 21 years, and a solo-entrepreneur. I understand what it takes to juggle life and recovery all at once


The first step… is to put YOURSELF… first.

Let go of prioritizing other people’s to-do-lists, and commit to giving yourself the space, opportunity and resources required to truly heal.


Allow someone else to hold space for YOU (uh…hmm, that’ll be me…shameless plug   ), so you can take stock of the who, what, where, when, why and how of…all of it. Your physical, mental, emotional pain.
Your thoughts, beliefs, habits, dreams, challenges (past and present). 

In doing so, you’ll come to a greater understanding (and appreciation) for who you are and what in your life needs love and attention

To heal, we treat the whole person. 

The outcome is better health, wealth and relationships.


Our first session is a beginning…the start of something life changing.
Clients tell me that in just one session , they feel more confident, peaceful and empowered than they’ve felt in years.

“I first approached Mandara because I was experiencing health issues and I wanted clarity on my life purpose. At the beginning of my session, I was feeling very restless and overwhelmed but Mandara’s calm and friendly demeanour put me at ease. She was very thorough and explained everything really well. Everything she helped me with was absolutely accurate and we worked on many of my blockages together. At the end of the session, I felt like a weight had been lifted, I felt calmer and I had a better sense about what I need and am meant to do. I’m still practicing the spiritual tools that she has taught me during the session and it has helped me with my overall health and vibration.”
Paalini Sathiyaseelan

“Having personally been interested in energy medicine, it was easy to begin working with Mandara. Five years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer and my symptoms manifested as six compression fractures in my spine. Creating an autonomous health care plan that included both western and integrative medicine was of huge importance for me. Mandara’s personal story of navigating her own health challenges, healing and finding clarity translates perfectly into her professional life and she is able to relate as a practitioner in ways that inspire trust and confidence. She has helped me SEE, create clarity and trust myself. I am grateful we can continue working together.”

G. Pero

"Mandara sets the container brilliantly and there is instant trust that the journey ahead will be welcomed and powerful. Every time we meet there is always awareness, growth, and healing and her compassion and guidance make me feel safe and honoured the
entire time."
Brent D Raymond


  • 90% of people who develop consistent pain in the form of joint pain, back spasm, sciatica, migraine, tendonitis, GERD, IBS among other illnesses will develop it between the ages of 35-65. That is because these are the prime years for being responsible for others (kids, spouses, aging parents, work projects, finances). In other words, these are the years we’re most stressed. Stress is the leading contributing cause of pain as well as slow recovery after surgery, an accident, illness or injury.
  • If you still have pain 4-6 months post-accident, illness, surgery or injury and medical tests no longer show a structural cause for your pain, Mindbody pain, TMS (Tension Myositis/ Myoneural Syndrome) and Neuroplastic pain are likely the underlying cause for on-going symptoms.

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  • In childhood, chronic earaches, fevers, tummy aches, anxiety and bed-wetting may all be examples of early onset TMS. If not addressed, worsened conditions such as migraines, “growing pains” and many other symptoms may develop later on in youth and adulthood.

Take the FREE 2 Min Quiz to determine what’s likely the cause of your pain now.



  • You’re tired and unable to focus. Simple house chores can feel like a burden.
  • You’re unproductive at work and worried you might lose your job.
  • Or worse…You’re unable to work at all and you need to get back on your feet ASAP.
  • You’re losing out on precious playtime with your kids and building family memories.
  • You’re spending more time “living” the extravagant lives of your favorite Netflix characters, instead of living real life adventures of your own.
  • You’re numbing out daily on food, social media, and other people’s drama.
  • You’re popping pain killers like smarties.
  • You’re feel old before your time. 30. 40. 50. 60… is NOT OLD. You have a life to live damn it!
  • You easily lose your temper with loved ones and spend every day feeling guilty about it.
  • You’ve started to blame yourself for your pain and maybe even feel you deserve it somehow.
  • You’re isolated. No one relates to what you’re going through or knows how to support you.
  • You’re feeling major FOMO (fear of missing out). Everyone is out there having fun… but you!
  • Your frustrated and angry. Doctors don’t seem to know what’s wrong with you and why?
  • Your mental health has taken a toll. Your anxiety levels are through the roof.
  • Medication only provides temporary relief.


Q: What if my pain comes and goes, is this consultation for me?

A: Yes. Pain that comes and goes consistently is actually a sign that you are likely suffering from TMS.

Q: What if pain changes locations in my body, for example my knee can hurt for weeks then suddenly I feel it in my lower back or get migraines. Will a pain relief consultation help with this kind of variable pain?

A: Absolutely. Pain symptoms that vary in location within the body from hour to hour, day today and week to week are common side effects of TMS.

Q: What if I don’t believe in Energy Healing and find it a bit too “WOO” for me?

A: Energy healing is a quantum science. You can learn more here.

Becoming conscious of our energy is a daily occurrence for us all. We clear energy necessarily all the time. For example, you wouldn’t want an angry dentist to perform gum surgery on you, would you? You’d prefer they calmed down, shifted their mindset, cleared their head and emotions BEFORE surgery begins. Well, this is exactly what we’ll do when we work together. In order to create health in the body and create the life you want to have…you need to be in the right energy and right frame of mind to do it from. You’re healing will be more efficient and aligned.

Q: What if we uncover that my pain is not caused by TMS and is in fact only caused by something structural, can we still continue to work together?

A: Absolutely. Rebalancing your overall being, regulating the nervous system and clearing any stagnant energy from your energy body is crucial in order to speed up the recovery process from any physiological injury. We’ll work together preventatively to ensure you don’t develop TMS down the road and you’ll continue to work with your doctor toward recovery as well.

Q: What if I hate or suck at meditation, do we have to use it as a healing tool?

A: Meditation is a tool that allows your analytical mind to turn off and your nervous system to rest and realign. Any activity that enables you to turn off your thinking mind will do the trick. And down the road you can experiment with more traditional meditative practices when you’re ready.

Q: What if I need more than one pain relief session, what then?

A: After our initial pain relief consultation we’ll put together a customized recovery program, if necessary, that suits your pain relief needs, lifestyle and budget. I got you covered.

Q: Can I work with you if I’m still seeing other doctors and using allopathic medicine?

A: Absolutely. Holistic Pain Relief and support is a complimentary and functional medicine. It compliments, the allopathic medical system, and in the majority of cases, works well when used in tandem.

Q: Can I still work with you to heal chronic pain/ anxiety if I am taking medication?

A: Absolutely. In some cases, medication is necessary. In other cases, it can be doing more harm than good. It depends if the benefits outweigh the side-effects. I always recommend speaking to your doctor, as this decision must be made in consultation with a licensed medical professional. We can still gain effective results while medication is being used.

Q: How long might it take for me to stop feeling pain symptoms altogether?

A: Every individual is different as their circumstances are different. We’ll work with wherever you’re at. Pain relief comes immediately, spontaneously or slowly with time. It’s a byproduct of many contributing factors being assessed, regulated and released.

Q: How old do I need to be to work with you?

A: I work with teens and adults as well as welcome and value diversity, equity, access and inclusion.

Popping Advil, laying on the couch…hoping your pain will magically disappear… is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

I’m on a mission to have seekers of pain relief, like you, find the support and healing they need using a modality that’s effective, fun and natural to your system. A modality that supports whatever you got going on in life. Because your focus needs to be on getting back to living …NOT on endless doctor visits and ineffective medications.

Am I right?

If you’re with me, unlock your path to pain relief today and begin to feel results. Everything you need to finally recover so that you can get back to home, family, career and more…is on the other side of this consultation booking page. 

I can’t wait to see you there!