
  • 0 Benefits of Holistic Life Coaching

    • by Administrator
    • 15-08-2023
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    What are the Benefits of Holistic Life Coaching? Through an energetic, intuitive and trauma-informed lens, Holistic Life Coaching gives you the clarity, direction and motivation needed to better your health, relationships and career. The key is connecting with a Life Coach who makes you feel safe and provides a grounding, non-judgmental container of support. Within this dynamic, you’ll explore who you are, move beyond fears that may be holding you back, and uncover your gifts and rock your full potential. Receiving Holistic Life-Coaching support is a great place to start your overall wellness journey. Benefits include an increased sense of: Self-Confidence / Self-Acceptance Motivation / Sense of Purpose Self-Worth / Self-Love Clarity Peace of Mind Connection to Self / Others Living with Intention / Aligned Values Healthy Boundaries What is Trauma and why is it ESSENTIAL to work with a Trauma-Informed Life Coach? There are three basic life needs that we all share to be well: safety, love and belonging. When any one of these basic needs is not met, consciously or unconsciously, you’ll feel threatened. This experience, at every age, is traumatic. Your unconscious reaction, will be to protect yourself. You’ll develop coping habits, (such as dissociation, perfectionism, people-pleasing, addictive personality and more), and repress strong emotions in order to keep yourself safe and unseen. These kinds of coping strategies, may benefit you in the short-term, but ultimately, they harm you in the long term. Holistic, Trauma-Informed Life Coaching uncovers unhealthy and ineffective coping strategies that no longer serve you. Instead, you’ll acknowledge your needs and begin to heal the trauma that’s been keeping you trapped in unhealthy patterns of self-doubt, shame and anxiety. You’ll feel seen, heard, respected and validated for who you are. Additionally, you’ll learn effective wellness tools and strategies that empower you to move forward with confidence in every area of your life. Your trauma is NOT your fault. However, under my guidance, you’ll be able to take personal responsibility for your healing and move beyond it. Holistic Life Coaching sessions give you the support, knowledge and accountability needed to continue to show up for yourself. You no longer need to apologize for taking up space. It’s your time to shine. If you’re experiencing the following issues, Holistic Life Coaching is for you: Trauma Indecision Fatigue / Lethargy Lack of Motivation Fear / Anxiety Low-Grade Depression Illness Chronic Pain What Does a Session Entail? Holistic Life Coaching sessions are conducted one-on-one, in-person, online or over the phone. Thefocus is on healing the whole person. Modalities that may be utilized in a Holistic Coaching session varies coach to coach. They may include: Mindbody Awareness Somatic Release Trauma-Informed practice Appreciative Inquiry Motivational Interviewing Behaviour-Science Neuroscience Restorative Yoga Mindfulness Guided Meditation and Breathwork Though one session is enough to begin to see positive shifts in self-awareness, multiple sessions, offered in packages of three or more, offer consistent regulated support and therefore are the most beneficial. The greater your commitment to your healing, the greater the results. You may want to consider working with a Holistic Life Coach with the ability to provide energy healing to restore balance to your overall system. They’ll be able to scan your energy body for any mental, physical, emotional or spiritual blockages that could lead to further issues down the road if left unchecked. If you’re experiencing chronic pain or anxiety for example, you could be in need of consulting a Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner, with the ability to help you assess what’s likely causing your pain. LEARN MORE ABOUT ENERGY HEALING LEARN MORE ABOUT MINDBODY SYNDROME

  • 0 What is Energy Healing?

    • by Administrator
    • 23-07-2023
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    Change Your Energy. Change Your Life. What are the Benefits of Energy Healing? Energetic healing sessions restore balance to your overall system and electromagnetics as well as clear away any energetic junk draining your health and vitality. They help you experience a gentle, positive and powerful shift toward over-all wellness as well as re-align your body, mind and spirit. Healers may use one particular method, or as I do, a combination, within one treatment such as Reiki, Tibetan and Shamanic healing practices. Immediate benefits: Better sleep / Relaxation Reduced pain / illness Reduced tension / anxiety Clarity / Confidence Motivation / Creativity Ease / Enjoyment of Activities Sense of Peace   How Does Energy Healing work? If you’re feeling tired, stressed, sick or de-motivated, energetic healing can help. Here’s how. You’re an energetic being. You possess an electromagnetic energy field and energy flows through every organ, system and cell.   Not unlike a light fixture, your being turns on and shines brightly when a clear and powerful current of electricity is accessed and maintained. This energy may flow unconsciously, but it’s vital to your over-all health and well-being. You don’t want to burn out or blow a fuse either, otherwise stress and disease take over. In order to maintain your energy and avoid illness, re-establishing proper grounding is especially important. Energy healing sessions restore central alignment within your energetic and physical body. They clear away any debris blocking your unique and natural flow of energy as well as re-connect you with the supportive energy of the earth, so that you’re able to maintain this flow with ease. Remember physics class? Energy cannot be created or destroyed. You only have a limited amount of vital energy since birth. If someone or something is draining you of it, the effects of this will reveal themselves in the form of stress, illness and anxiety. You’ve also probably heard the expression “like attracts like”. Your thoughts, words, actions and beliefs are also made of energy. They emit frequencies which act like homing beacons. They attract matching frequencies back to you with great force. This is why it’s so vital to clear your energy, otherwise, toxic events, relationships and behavior patterns wreak havoc in your life. If you’re not vigilant, unwanted energy from others stick to you, and will continue to drain your energy long after interactions with others have come and gone. When you’re experiencing the following symptoms, an energy healing is beneficial: Fatigue / Insomnia Headaches Acute / Chronic Pain & Illness Tension / Anxiety Low-grade Depression Low-motivation Indecision/ Foggy brain   What Does an Energy Healing Session Entail? Many energy healers perform clearings in person, and they can also be conducted online or over the phone. It’s a quantum scientific fact that energy, in wave form, transcends space and time, can travel faster than the speed of light and affects matter at any distance, instantaneously. Hard to believe, I know. Through an infinite field of energy, known simply as “The Field”, of which we and all matter are connected, quantum physicists have come to understand this phenomenon as Entanglement. If you’re a science buff, there are many peer-reviewed papers and experiments that explain the phenomena, in-depth. How is it that one person can receive energy from another person millions of miles away? Google the famous ‘Twin Proton Particle Experiment’ to understand exactly how quantum science figured this out. Or watch any Gregg Braden and Joe Dispenza Youtube video, and you’ll find some exciting and detailed explanations of this phenomena in easy-to-understand verbiage. Working with an energy healer, you’ll come to understand, and be empowered by, this awesome force of nature we all have access to. There are so many profound benefits. Energy clearings are helpful anytime and from anywhere. The best time to have an energetic clearing is after an intense traumatic or emotional event to rid yourself of toxic energy. Prior to an important work event or celebratory occasion is recommended to offer energetic support and grounding to ensure you’re in the best possible energy to attract the most positive outcome. Regular monthly tune ups are also beneficial as part of your over-all self-care and wellness. Energy healing is as blissful as having a full body massage. However, it’s bliss for body, mind… AND soul. You’ll want to make sure you can get cozy in a private space where you feel safe to surrender entirely to the moment and receive maximum benefit. Benefits are immediate and last long after a session is done. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water post session. Hydrating will help clear away toxins and further replenish your overall being. Enjoy!    

  • 0 What's a Medical Intuitive Scanning Session?

    • by Administrator
    • 23-07-2023
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    What are the benefits of a Medical Intuitive Scanning Session? When you’re uncertain about your health, Medical Intuitive Scanning sessions provide clarity. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors may be contributing to the underlying cause of your acute or chronic condition. Through an intuitive energetic lens, a medical intuitive professional can determine what is impeding your health, potential circumstances to be aware of, and what will aid your overall healing. Medical Intuitive Scanning Sessions give you the following immediate benefits: Clarity Confidence Valuable Information to Review with a Medical Professional Less Stress & Anxiety A Plan Forward Additionally, when a Medical Intuitive Scanning session is combined with Energy Healing, you’ll also experience: Pain Relief Better Sleep More Energy & Vitality Learn more about what Energy Healing is and the benefits HERE   How Does Medical Intuitive Scanning work? Every Medical Intuitive works a little differently. The particular strength I employ is my ability to intuit (see, hear, know) if there is illness, allergic reaction, inflammation, tissue damage, bone loss or breakage, vitamin loss, hormonal imbalance or neuralgia among other symptoms. Through an intuitive energetic lens, much like an x-ray machine, I am able to scan your being for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy blockages that may be contributing to your overall pain, trauma or illness. Like any skill, a medical intuitive professional, trains for many years in order to become adept at intuiting the problem. However, a medical intuitive professional will NEVER, and SHOULD NEVER diagnose a mental or physical health condition. Instead, they will offer you insight into next steps for your total recovery and valuable information you can review with your medical professional. An Energy Healing in addition to scanning will further speed up your recovery process. When you’re experiencing the following symptoms, a Medical Intuitive Scanning session is beneficial: Fatigue / Insomnia Headaches Acute / Chronic pain Illness Muscle Tension Back spasm Anxiety Low-grade Depression Low-Motivation Indecision/ Foggy-brain Inflammation Gut Issues Auto-Immune Reactions Allergies / Rashes   What Does a Session Entail? Medical Intuitive Scanning sessions can be done in person, online or over the phone. Many clients prefer to be safe, cozy and private in their own homes so a session may best be conducted one-one-one over zoom. Sessions can easily run 60-90 minutes or longer depending on what exactly needs assessment. If you are unclear what is causing stubborn pain symptoms, one Medical Intuitive Scanning session may be enough to determine the situation which you can review further with your doctor. However, you may want to consider focusing your attention on one or two specific pain areas that need attention per session to give time to delve deeper into each challenge you’re facing. Come with your questions ready and on-hand, and expect to come away empowered and clear about your situation. If you have many pain areas to discuss, then consider booking as many sessions as it takes to review them all. When it comes to your health, being thorough is a good idea. And, you’ll know what’s most important to you to review. Trust your gut and be open to receiving information you didn’t expect, as well as some you most likely did. Often, we already have a sense (our own intuition) as to what’s wrong, we’re just seeking clarity and a green light to go ahead and seek the medical attention, therapies, holistic healing we need to move beyond our health quandary and get back on track. For Acute Conditions: A package of three Medical Intuitive Scanning sessions in combination with Energy Healing is recommended for best overall healing. Additional sessions can be a good idea weeks or months down the road to monitor progress, recovery and receive a tune up. For Chronic Conditions: A Pain Relief Program that incorporates medical intuitive scanning, trauma-informed coaching, somatic release, restorative yoga, breathwork and energy healing might be your best overall support in combination with allopathic medicine if and as, necessary.    

  • 0 What is TMS?

    • by Administrator
    • 23-07-2023
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    What is TMS? Have I Got it? In short, you might! In order to understand what TMS is, we first need to understand what the Mindbody is. The Mindbody refers to the chemical interplay between our brain, peripheral nervous, endocrine and immune systems, organs and our emotional responses. In other words, our mind and body are not separate. They function as a whole. The key to mental and physical health is to have a regulated nervous system that enables all internal systems to flow with ease, not DIS-ease. Working with a Pain Relief Specialist who has trained as a Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner, can uncover where and how the Mindbody is causing chronic pain in the form of Mindbody Syndrome, also known as Neuroplastic Pain and Tension Myositis/Myoneural Syndrome (TMS). It is important that you receive the necessary science-based knowledge and understanding of what causes TMS in order to recover fully from common TMS symptoms. TMS is often responsible for the following chronic issues: Sciatica Tendonitis GERD Frozen Shoulder Irritable Bladder Irritable Bowel Fibromyalgia Herniated Disk Hay Fever Addictions Anxiety Low-Grade Depression What is TMS EXACTLY...and how is it science-based? TMS is a term clinically established by expert physician and professor of rehabilitation medicine, Dr. John E. Sarno. In his definition of TMS, the word tension, refers to the repression of undesirable emotions such as fear, shame, rage and resentment. Myositis / Myoneural, refer to muscles and nerves. Syndrome, refers to a collection of symptoms. Therefore, the abbreviated term, TMS, refers to a collection of symptoms in the form of muscle and nerve pain caused by the repression of undesirable emotions. However, further studies now reveal that TMS symptoms also include depression, anxiety, autoimmune conditions and more.   In a nutshell, TMS is a psychological condition that causes physical symptoms.No this does NOT mean that your pain is all in your head. Quite the opposite.   Your pain is very real. However, if you have unrelenting physical or mental pain, this may preclude that your autonomic nervous system (fight or flight response) has gone into overdrive and is unleashing biochemical functions within your body that produce pain and illness. When you suffer a physical injury like a broken bone or an emotional injury, such as abuse from a partner or caregiver, your autonomic nervous system activates. It will protect you from any perceived threat. Whether a physical or emotional injury occurred ten days ago or ten years ago, it’s irrelevant to the autonomic nervous system’s protective response. If a threat is perceived, until closure or understanding is experienced pertaining to that originating and causal incident, your autonomic system remains active and on high- alert. It does so to protect you. Our fight or flight response is a highly valuable system. If you needed to outrun a lion, you’d be thankful for having a system in place that shuts off any unnecessary functions in the body and directs all its energy toward helping you run faster and see better in order to give you the best shot at survival. However, this system is only designed to sustain short-term emergency functionality. Long-term functionality, can have devastating consequences. The sooner you see a Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner, the sooner you’ll be able to shut the fight or flight system off and begin to restore balance in your body. It is common for those with Mindbody pain, such as back and joint pain, migraine or tendonitis to recover quickly simply by understanding the science behind TMS. This is because with the proper education and skill-building around TMS/Mindbody pain, your autonomic nervous system no longer perceives a threat to your system and can begin to relax and concentrate on recovery. In short, what can cause the fight or flight system to remain activated long-term? Unresolved trauma due to neglect, abuse, surgery, accident, illness and injury are all factors to consider. What happens to you if this system isn’t ever fully switched off?You may develop TMS. TMS, is a consequence of an autonomic nervous system that is stuck in a loop from past events. We become hypervigilant, highly sensitive and reactionary to any pain or stressor in the present which feeds the notion that we are still, in a sense, under attack. In a sense, TMS is the by-product of a nervous system that’s drawn its sword high in the sky shouting “They’ll never take me alive!” And, since a traumatic event did in fact occur, it does so with good reason. However, the consequences of a nervous system on consistent high-alert are vast, harmful to the body and show up in the form of chronic flare ups and symptoms we now know are TMS. Many factors go into determining whether or not you have TMS.Seeing a Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner along-side speaking with an allopathic medical professional and getting necessary testing is the way to go. Working with a Mindbody Syndrome practitioner may even prevent unnecessary surgery and medication. If you’ve had professional medical testing, or tried physical therapies and medication with little to no resolution of your chronic issues, TMS may be the missing piece of the puzzle. Take this FREE 2 Minute Quiz to determine the likely cause for your pain.        

  • 0 Past Life Energy Clearing

    • by Administrator
    • 23-07-2023
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    What is a Past Life Energy Clearing? Do you ever get a sense that you’re living your life on repeat? Are your relationships, health and career stuck in a rut? Do you have any fears or phobias and you can’t understand where they originate from? When you feel like you’re on a ride and you can’t get off, there’s a good chance that you’ve broughtancestral and past life energetic patterning into the current life-time. Ancestral, intergenerational andpast-life traumas that remain within your DNA and energy field can unconsciously sabotage thedecisions and actions you make in this life. You may experience deep patterns of shame, guilt or fearand have no clue why this is occurring. Past-life energy clearings reveal and interrupt any unhealthy toxic patterns and beliefs that have beenunconsciously holding you back. Once cleared, you will regain a sense of clarity, confidence and innerpeace. You’ll get to finally move forward with your life. Often one clearing is enough to see change.However, look for packages with multiple sessions, so that deeper levels of clearing can be achieved.