Mandara Coaching and Wellness healing, guidance, instruction and mentorship is not a replacement or substitute for medical, psychological, financial or legal advice, diagnosis and or treatment. All information and guidance given is subject to the client’s interpretation, and Mandara will not be held accountable for decisions based on information provided. Mandara works with the intention of creating a cohesive holistic space where you can feel safe to work within your own parameters of healing that is meant to complement, not replace, any medical treatments that you may be receiving. Please feel free to consult with your trusted health practitioner before seeking guidance with Mandara Coaching and Wellness.


The information provided on this website is mainly for educational purposes and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health condition, illness or disease, nor is it a substitute for professional care. If you suspect that you may have a medical or psychological issue, you should consult a health care provider in the field. Mandara Coaching and Wellness provides advice on how to deal with chronic pain resulting from TMS through a Mindbody perspective, and the content is not intended to serve as a substitute for drugs or other therapies.