

0 Past Life Energy Clearing

  • by Administrator
  • 23-07-2023
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What is a Past Life Energy Clearing?

Do you ever get a sense that you’re living your life on repeat? Are your relationships, health and career stuck in a rut? Do you have any fears or phobias and you can’t understand where they originate from?

When you feel like you’re on a ride and you can’t get off, there’s a good chance that you’ve brought
ancestral and past life energetic patterning into the current life-time. Ancestral, intergenerational and
past-life traumas that remain within your DNA and energy field can unconsciously sabotage the
decisions and actions you make in this life. You may experience deep patterns of shame, guilt or fear
and have no clue why this is occurring.

Past-life energy clearings reveal and interrupt any unhealthy toxic patterns and beliefs that have been
unconsciously holding you back. Once cleared, you will regain a sense of clarity, confidence and inner
peace. You’ll get to finally move forward with your life. Often one clearing is enough to see change.
However, look for packages with multiple sessions, so that deeper levels of clearing can be achieved.