

0 What is Energy Healing?

  • by Administrator
  • 23-07-2023
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Change Your Energy. Change Your Life.

What are the Benefits of Energy Healing?

Energetic healing sessions restore balance to your overall system and electromagnetics as well as clear away any energetic junk draining your health and vitality. They help you experience a gentle, positive and powerful shift toward over-all wellness as well as re-align your body, mind and spirit.

Healers may use one particular method, or as I do, a combination, within one treatment such as Reiki, Tibetan and Shamanic healing practices.

Immediate benefits:

  • Better sleep / Relaxation
  • Reduced pain / illness
  • Reduced tension / anxiety
  • Clarity / Confidence
  • Motivation / Creativity
  • Ease / Enjoyment of Activities
  • Sense of Peace


How Does Energy Healing work?

If you’re feeling tired, stressed, sick or de-motivated, energetic healing can help. Here’s how.

You’re an energetic being. You possess an electromagnetic energy field and energy flows through every organ, system and cell.


Not unlike a light fixture, your being turns on and shines brightly when a clear and powerful current of electricity is accessed and maintained. This energy may flow unconsciously, but it’s vital to your over-all health and well-being.

You don’t want to burn out or blow a fuse either, otherwise stress and disease take over. In order to maintain your energy and avoid illness, re-establishing proper grounding is especially important.

Energy healing sessions restore central alignment within your energetic and physical body. They clear away any debris blocking your unique and natural flow of energy as well as re-connect you with the supportive energy of the earth, so that you’re able to maintain this flow with ease.

Remember physics class? Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

You only have a limited amount of vital energy since birth. If someone or something is draining you of it, the effects of this will reveal themselves in the form of stress, illness and anxiety.

You’ve also probably heard the expression “like attracts like”. Your thoughts, words, actions and beliefs are also made of energy. They emit frequencies which act like homing beacons. They attract matching frequencies back to you with great force. This is why it’s so vital to clear your energy, otherwise, toxic events, relationships and behavior patterns wreak havoc in your life. If you’re not vigilant, unwanted energy from others stick to you, and will continue to drain your energy long after interactions with others have come and gone.

When you’re experiencing the following symptoms, an energy healing is beneficial:

  • Fatigue / Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Acute / Chronic Pain & Illness
  • Tension / Anxiety
  • Low-grade Depression
  • Low-motivation
  • Indecision/ Foggy brain


What Does an Energy Healing Session Entail?

Many energy healers perform clearings in person, and they can also be conducted online or over the phone.

It’s a quantum scientific fact that energy, in wave form, transcends space and time, can travel faster than the speed of light and affects matter at any distance, instantaneously. Hard to believe, I know.

Through an infinite field of energy, known simply as “The Field”, of which we and all matter are connected, quantum physicists have come to understand this phenomenon as Entanglement.

If you’re a science buff, there are many peer-reviewed papers and experiments that explain the phenomena, in-depth.

How is it that one person can receive energy from another person millions of miles away?

Google the famous ‘Twin Proton Particle Experiment’ to understand exactly how quantum science figured this out. Or watch any Gregg Braden and Joe Dispenza Youtube video, and you’ll find some exciting and detailed explanations of this phenomena in easy-to-understand verbiage.

Working with an energy healer, you’ll come to understand, and be empowered by, this awesome force of nature we all have access to. There are so many profound benefits. Energy clearings are helpful anytime and from anywhere.

The best time to have an energetic clearing is after an intense traumatic or emotional event to rid yourself of toxic energy. Prior to an important work event or celebratory occasion is recommended to offer energetic support and grounding to ensure you’re in the best possible energy to attract the most positive outcome. Regular monthly tune ups are also beneficial as part of your over-all self-care and wellness.

Energy healing is as blissful as having a full body massage. However, it’s bliss for body, mind… AND soul.

You’ll want to make sure you can get cozy in a private space where you feel safe to surrender entirely to the moment and receive maximum benefit. Benefits are immediate and last long after a session is done.

And don’t forget to drink plenty of water post session. Hydrating will help clear away toxins and further replenish your overall being. Enjoy!