

0 What's a Medical Intuitive Scanning Session?

  • by Administrator
  • 23-07-2023
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What are the benefits of a Medical Intuitive Scanning Session?

When you’re uncertain about your health, Medical Intuitive Scanning sessions provide clarity.

Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors may be contributing to the underlying cause of your acute or chronic condition. Through an intuitive energetic lens, a medical intuitive professional can determine what is impeding your health, potential circumstances to be aware of, and what will aid your overall healing.

Medical Intuitive Scanning Sessions give you the following immediate benefits:

  • Clarity
  • Confidence
  • Valuable Information to Review with a Medical Professional
  • Less Stress & Anxiety
  • A Plan Forward

Additionally, when a Medical Intuitive Scanning session is combined with Energy Healing, you’ll also experience:

  • Pain Relief
  • Better Sleep
  • More Energy & Vitality

Learn more about what Energy Healing is and the benefits HERE


How Does Medical Intuitive Scanning work?

Every Medical Intuitive works a little differently. The particular strength I employ is my ability to intuit (see, hear, know) if there is illness, allergic reaction, inflammation, tissue damage, bone loss or breakage, vitamin loss, hormonal imbalance or neuralgia among other symptoms.

Through an intuitive energetic lens, much like an x-ray machine, I am able to scan your being for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy blockages that may be contributing to your overall pain, trauma or illness.

Like any skill, a medical intuitive professional, trains for many years in order to become adept at intuiting the problem. However, a medical intuitive professional will NEVER, and SHOULD NEVER diagnose a mental or physical health condition.

Instead, they will offer you insight into next steps for your total recovery and valuable information you can review with your medical professional.

An Energy Healing in addition to scanning will further speed up your recovery process.

When you’re experiencing the following symptoms, a Medical Intuitive Scanning session is beneficial:

  • Fatigue / Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Acute / Chronic pain
  • Illness
  • Muscle Tension
  • Back spasm
  • Anxiety
  • Low-grade Depression
  • Low-Motivation
  • Indecision/ Foggy-brain
  • Inflammation
  • Gut Issues
  • Auto-Immune Reactions
  • Allergies / Rashes


What Does a Session Entail?

Medical Intuitive Scanning sessions can be done in person, online or over the phone.

Many clients prefer to be safe, cozy and private in their own homes so a session may best be conducted one-one-one over zoom. Sessions can easily run 60-90 minutes or longer depending on what exactly needs assessment.

If you are unclear what is causing stubborn pain symptoms, one Medical Intuitive Scanning session may be enough to determine the situation which you can review further with your doctor.

However, you may want to consider focusing your attention on one or two specific pain areas that need attention per session to give time to delve deeper into each challenge you’re facing. Come with your questions ready and on-hand, and expect to come away empowered and clear about your situation.

If you have many pain areas to discuss, then consider booking as many sessions as it takes to review them all. When it comes to your health, being thorough is a good idea. And, you’ll know what’s most important to you to review. Trust your gut and be open to receiving information you didn’t expect, as well as some you most likely did.

Often, we already have a sense (our own intuition) as to what’s wrong, we’re just seeking clarity and a green light to go ahead and seek the medical attention, therapies, holistic healing we need to move beyond our health quandary and get back on track.

For Acute Conditions: A package of three Medical Intuitive Scanning sessions in combination with Energy Healing is recommended for best overall healing. Additional sessions can be a good idea weeks or months down the road to monitor progress, recovery and receive a tune up.

For Chronic Conditions: A Pain Relief Program that incorporates medical intuitive scanning, trauma-informed coaching, somatic release, restorative yoga, breathwork and energy healing might be your best overall support in combination with allopathic medicine if and as, necessary.