

0 Benefits of Holistic Life Coaching

  • by Administrator
  • 15-08-2023
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What are the Benefits of Holistic Life Coaching?

Through an energetic, intuitive and trauma-informed lens, Holistic Life Coaching gives you the clarity, direction and motivation needed to better your health, relationships and career. The key is connecting with a Life Coach who makes you feel safe and provides a grounding, non-judgmental container of support. Within this dynamic, you’ll explore who you are, move beyond fears that may be holding you back, and uncover your gifts and rock your full potential.

Receiving Holistic Life-Coaching support is a great place to start your overall wellness journey.

Benefits include an increased sense of:

  • Self-Confidence / Self-Acceptance
  • Motivation / Sense of Purpose
  • Self-Worth / Self-Love
  • Clarity
  • Peace of Mind
  • Connection to Self / Others
  • Living with Intention / Aligned Values
  • Healthy Boundaries

What is Trauma and why is it ESSENTIAL to work with a Trauma-Informed Life Coach?

There are three basic life needs that we all share to be well: safety, love and belonging. When any one of these basic needs is not met, consciously or unconsciously, you’ll feel threatened. This experience, at every age, is traumatic. Your unconscious reaction, will be to protect yourself. You’ll develop coping habits, (such as dissociation, perfectionism, people-pleasing, addictive personality and more), and repress strong emotions in order to keep yourself safe and unseen. These kinds of coping strategies, may benefit you in the short-term, but ultimately, they harm you in the long term.

Holistic, Trauma-Informed Life Coaching uncovers unhealthy and ineffective coping strategies that no longer serve you. Instead, you’ll acknowledge your needs and begin to heal the trauma that’s been keeping you trapped in unhealthy patterns of self-doubt, shame and anxiety. You’ll feel seen, heard, respected and validated for who you are. Additionally, you’ll learn effective wellness tools and strategies that empower you to move forward with confidence in every area of your life.

Your trauma is NOT your fault. However, under my guidance, you’ll be able to take personal responsibility for your healing and move beyond it.

Holistic Life Coaching sessions give you the support, knowledge and accountability needed to continue to show up for yourself. You no longer need to apologize for taking up space.

It’s your time to shine.

If you’re experiencing the following issues, Holistic Life Coaching is for you:

  • Trauma
  • Indecision
  • Fatigue / Lethargy
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Fear / Anxiety
  • Low-Grade Depression
  • Illness
  • Chronic Pain

What Does a Session Entail?

Holistic Life Coaching sessions are conducted one-on-one, in-person, online or over the phone. The
focus is on healing the whole person.

Modalities that may be utilized in a Holistic Coaching session varies coach to coach.

They may include:

  • Mindbody Awareness
  • Somatic Release
  • Trauma-Informed practice
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Behaviour-Science
  • Neuroscience
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Mindfulness
  • Guided Meditation and Breathwork

Though one session is enough to begin to see positive shifts in self-awareness, multiple sessions, offered in packages of three or more, offer consistent regulated support and therefore are the most beneficial.

The greater your commitment to your healing, the greater the results.

You may want to consider working with a Holistic Life Coach with the ability to provide energy healing to restore balance to your overall system. They’ll be able to scan your energy body for any mental, physical, emotional or spiritual blockages that could lead to further issues down the road if left unchecked. If you’re experiencing chronic pain or anxiety for example, you could be in need of consulting a Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner, with the ability to help you assess what’s likely causing your pain.